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Reasons For Separation - PC Culture

Right Edition
Right Edition - 410 Views
Published on 28 Oct 2020 / In

Is western separation a real possibility? The cost of Alberta secession

Most interesting, it seems rural Albertans are on the front lines of this separation movement, and farmers I have talked to point to the unresolved pipeline issue as a primary reason for secession from Canada.

While it is easy to understand the frustration of those in the energy industry, it’s a little confusing that farmers are leading the call for secession based on the pipeline question. After all, agriculture is an energy-intensive industry and more export capacity would likely lead to higher energy costs. Plus, the ag industry was hurt by higher labour, service, and equipment costs that resulted during the last energy boom.

‘Sadly separation is looking like the only logical and clean choice.’ Readers react to Alberta’s separation survey and a possible sales tax

Alberta suffers from "tyranny of the majority,” which means that the region of Western Canada can never protect their interests due to the majority population votes of the East. Tyranny of the majority is two wolves and a sheep voting on what’s for dinner. The East will never water down or cede power to Western Canada to help protect regions from an overreaching central government. It cannot be fixed. This country is broken demographically, culturally, geographically, economically and politically. There is a lot of quiet thinking and weighing of options going on in Alberta these days. Sadly separation is looking like the only logical and clean choice. (The alternative is endless constitutional wrangling.) The social contract with Alberta has already been broken. The referendum is just the paperwork. – Brenda MacFarlane

Political Correctness = Language and Thought Control

Political correctness is language control.

And language control is thought control. Period. The rise of modern political correctness (PC) is a great example of the cunning way in which social engineers such as the New World Order manipulators operate. Political correctness is soft censorship. It is intolerance disguised as tolerance. As George Carlin said, it is fascism pretending to be manners. It is running amok not just in Universities but now almost everywhere in society. Just as Orwell laid out so precisely in 1984, political correctness is the Newspeak which is threatening to limit our ability to freely speak and think, by reducing the number of available words in our vocabulary.

Liberal gun ban quietly expanded, potentially putting owners unknowingly on wrong side of the law

The RCMP has quietly outlawed hundreds of rifles and shotguns over the past month, adding to the list of 1,500 firearms already banned by the Liberal government on May 1.

The list has been expanded without public notifications from either the RCMP or the federal government, raising concerns among gun sellers and owners that they could have unknowingly bought, sold or transported illegal firearms in recent weeks. The recently banned firearms have all been deemed illegal retroactively, as of May 1.

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Johnny Exodice
Johnny Exodice 4 years ago

You made a MESS outta me…

You raised me on your lies of the pursuit of life, liberty, and freedom, and you made me KILL People too say: I am better then you` cause my FLAG, and my military have dropped bombs on you in World War One, and World War Two, and World War Three as WE THE PEOPLE go into WORLD WAR FOUR here in this [21st Century] @QBALL /_\ Executive Order of your UNITED NATIONS International Mafia FREE MASON “Security” Council WORLD POLICE known as the U.S. Military Peacekeepers Troops of your JADE HELM 15, and REX 84 Social Distancing of (covid19) and if anyone thinks we are not in WW4, then why do all the CORPORATIONS, and their {NEWS} World Order make “We The People” put on the Halloween SLAVE MASK known as EMPLOYEE???

When was the Last Time you used your VACATION PAY my Public Slave.?.?.?.?.?, or is the {NEWS} World Order going to say: We Landed on The Moon whence we did not!!! Day after day, I get DRUNK as a skunk!!! and why not??? We have been on LOCK DOWN in this Prison World for “8 Months” based on a LIE!!!! Look at your mom, look at your dad, look at your children, and say too your self that Millions upon Millions of HUMANS have died, and I do not doubt “they” were MURDERED by Agenda 21 of these U.N. (COVID-19) freemason Military EMPIRE Troops as we go into the year of 2021 C.E., but why are you still “alive” nonmason Human when this TV [Man Made] Q - V.I.R.U.S. has killed, and murdered so many “THEY SAY” on their Printed: OWNED Lock, Stock, and Barrel Media Screens??????

Consider this…., you were raised by LIARS!!!! These People from the other side of FLAT EARTH in our Celestial Sphere called “Doppelgangers” whom look just like you and me, but they are called nonhumans known as {incubus and succubus} from the OTHER SIDE OF THE WORLD….., and THEY LIVE are the Halloween Equivalent of Vampires…..., Werewolves..., Gargoyles.., GOLEM., and many other words you can look up in the [Dictionary] QANON at our FLAT EARTH Magical Academy OFF LINE Gaming Rooms’ where We the People plan out the Death…….., and Destruction of every FREE MASON Lodge Member no matter their age……..., skin tone, hair color, or EYES that can go SOLID BLACK be they Demons or “Angels” from the Book of Enoch` whom walk amongst us, and LOOK just like WE THE PEOPLE!!!

In the Litigation and Mitigation of CRROW777` these FREE MASON Courts, and Judges, and C.O.P.S. will never let we their Fellow {Tax Paying} +=+ CITIZENS have our way, or allow WE THE PEOPLE too Change the “LAWS” that we pay for with our Bread and Butter, and still WE THE PEOPLE have NO SAY in the laws anymore then we are “allowed” too ELECT anyone as nonmason CITIZENS of these U.N. FLAGS!!! Only them whom are [QANON] get too VOTE….., but we whom are just Flesh, and Blood, and Bones must Bow Down……, and Grovel before these “TV” Screens no matter the FLAG of them that is placed before us….

Johnny Exodice

And you call me STUPID?????? ha ha ha Fuck Off!!!!

If you are not a FREE MASON Lodge [Member] Q’s in your Country – Nation – State: You have NO SAY in the “way” you’m are raised, nor what Religion will be “forced” upon your mind as a Child, nor the INDOCTRINATION of [their] Schools, and Their FRATERNAL too SORORITY “houses” whom all teach we nonmason as Fools and Faggots: while they and “their parents” live off of our TAXES known as SLAVE WAGES for {we the people} whom are the SLAVES called EMPLOYEE to them whom make us do “WAR IS MURDER” when Murder is against the RULE OF LAW and ORDER known as We The Human “Populations” on this Side of FLAT EARTH in our Celestial Sphere De-Ja-Vu World of PURGATORY!!!

The Society of nonmason~

P.S. Misery “HATES” Company……., so Go Fuck Off you Loser!!!!

The Sentinel is so Hungover…. Ha ha ha, He he he, whooooo Weeeiiii…….


The Commander~


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